Saturday, February 26, 2011

All i want is for you to be happy ....

' "you can not make everyone happy" ' when I was younger I wanted to make everyone happy. I had this desire , so strongly,that l was ready to do anything to make my family and friends happy. As I grew up, and as events passed by, I began to understand the difficulty of what I wanted to do. There was always one party; my friends or my family, that would get hurt or upset or dissapointed( in short I would fail one of them...) . And if not that I would get hurt myself in someway. I , very recently, came over the urge of helping everyone and , not to sound self-center, it was one of the hardest things I have done. It is very difficult to change something that is embedded in ones personality. It is my unfortunate-ness that I have not have had the luck (or bad luck) of meeting people who have gone through hardship , or are willing ( enough ) to share their life with me. I say this to justify the multiple times ' Love Drunk' ( this blog) will mention me and my life events . I will try , through this blog, to help adolescents and young adults through the 'turbulence of the journey of becoming an adult'... that been said I write this for my friends , to give some of my lessons to them, without them having to go through the experences I have had to learn those lessons . Trick to making people happy is knowing them... so only try to make those people happy who , for sure, we know 90%. There will be many a times in ones life when our friends or family or that special person will have a conflict of opinion; and you would be feeling like you are trapped between tow concrete blocks. If someone can master how to make someone happy and the opposition just a little upset (instead of hurting them, or making them angry, etc) then at end of the day , things ; usually; fall into place . At this point the parties plus yourself will see things more clearly. To further explain this situation 'at the end of the day' dose not literally mean the end of the day when all the conflict started.... one could start seeing things clearly a month or even a year after the event. In my experience it takes , normally, a minimum of a year to only begin seeing if a person can be trusted . I have , sadly, trusted poeple within a month or tow , and in a year found that it was wrong for me to do so. As humans ,(sometimes) we do let our hormones make judgments for us and I am guilty of that too and have regretfully learnt it to be a mistake (from which I have learnt not to do it again if I can help it :) so all is well :P ) This blog can not teach anything. Things here can not be taught. It took me 21 years to start to understand life and it's evils; and I am sure when I am 30 or 40 I would have learnt more, at least I hope that i have. These rules , if we may call them that, come to us at different times in our lives , and sometimes we do not understand them right away. It is a non-stop process and nothing , no one can speed it . My apologies for the length and thank you for reading it ^_^ take care and stay safe :D PS : someone once told me that I could not make everyone happy. I think this is sort of is an answer to him... I think I have understood what he was trying to tell me a year ago :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

' the feelings run down in tears'
A lot of things run down with tears , but pride and fever... in fact after one has drain themselves of all the H2O in their body ( ;) ) they get a fever. People say that if someone can take hurtful words and actions, then it means that he/she has matured. after many years and many lessons learnt, i would say that they are right . but that been said, it all depends on the situation. Maturity nosed not mean limitless and feeling less. if this was my easy , for my AUS writing class, i would next write a definition of maturity.. but i will try to limit this . trail of thoughts to only that, thought.

i have a lot of thoughts swimming in my mind , on this topic, but i shall let this introduction end here. till the next time i have bubbleing thoughs waiting to come out...

Take care and Stay safe :D